Feeding Issues With Sks Archangel 20


I've had a ProMag 30 round Polymer Mag for my SKS that has never worked properly. Out of the package, it did not fit. According the packaging, it have worked with my Chinese SKS. To get it to fit into my rifle at all was only accomplished after filing away mold lines and flashing from the poor quality manufacturing. Loading rounds into the mag was a complete headache. Rounds would not positively seat into the magazine and would pop out on their own, even though they had been inserted properly. Cycling ammo reliably with this mag was apparently not going to happen as every third round or so, I'd get jams that would require dropping the magazine altogether in order to clear them. The mag was tossed into the box of odds and ends gun parts and forgotten.

Fast forward about two years and I happen to notice that ProMag has a lifetime warranty! I contact them by telephone and the representative quickly set up an RMA for me to return the 30 round magazine to them for repair or replacement. I paid for the return shipping and today received my replacement magazine. Or someone's replacement, I should say. ProMag sent a 20 round to replace the 30 round one that I sent them. I was peeved. I contacted them and the rep stated that they were likely out of stock of the 30 round when mine arrived, so that's why they shipped the 20. I stated that I had paid the extra money for the 30 and that's what I would like. She advised me to pay for postage again to send them the wrong one that I received so they could fix the mistake. At this point, I've already invested about $45.00 ($35 for the original magazine, $10.00 for packaging and shipment for return) so I'm figuring that I'll just eat this one and use the 20 round mag and be done with the hassle. Ohhhh noooo..... The new replacement magazine will only hold 15 rounds although it certainly is the same size as the four Tapco 20 round magazines I own. To make it a bigger kick in the short and curlies, this mag won't cycle ammo, either. Three rounds and jam. Three more rounds and jams so bad it takes several minutes to unbind the works.

:banginghe :banginghe I'm done with ProMag. I apologize if this was a winded rant, but I had to get it off my chest. Thought I'd share this if anyone were considering their products. I'll buy strictly Tapco for my SKS mags in the future and MagPul for my AR. At least those companies can produce reliable products.


I agree.....the only Pro Mag I have is for my AR....it loves to self eject rounds when you load it. Put 30 rounds in it and lay it down only to come back later it will have thrown 10 rounds out....


I agree.....the only Pro Mag I have is for my AR....it loves to self eject rounds when you load it. Put 30 rounds in it and lay it down only to come back later it will have thrown 10 rounds out....

That's a lot like what these have done. Put about 5 or 6 rounds in, two or three pop out. These things are complete junk. Their quality control department must be their janitorial staff, also.


Yep. I've got several 20 round Pro-mags (AR), and while they actually do cycle(no problems yet), the feed lips are weak and the mags spit rounds if not seated in a weapon. On the plus side though, the only, and I mean ONLY reason I bought Promags was because I found them on clearance for $4.89/each.


Over the years I can't count the times I have seen guys spend big bucks on guns, and scrimp on magazines. They are the heart of your firearm, no sense putting it on life support from day one.


I do not like them I will not buy them. I use MILSPEC aluminum or HK steel mags...period.


Y'all are crazy, the pro-mags are great. I clamp them in a vise to hold a lower receiver while you assemble it or work on your rifle.


Over the years I can't count the times I have seen guys spend big bucks on guns, and scrimp on magazines. They are the heart of your firearm, no sense putting it on life support from day one.

Wasn't a matter of skimping on the mags. ProMag was the first 30 round I could find. Actually it's one of the few out there for the SKS. I can't believe the number of people who skimp on reading the full extent of the thread... Lol haha just kidding. Besides, the SKS wouldn't have qualified as a high dollar weapon when it was purchased. We bought an entire crate still packed in cosmoline about 15 years ago for 750.00 for the batch.


Y'all are crazy, the pro-mags are great. I clamp them in a vise to hold a lower receiver while you assemble it or work on your rifle.

Haha that's a great use for that piece of junk! I didn't even think about using it for that. I've seen the dummy mags for the AR lower that can be used in a vice. I'll have to fish it out of the junk pile in the shop. Lol


Wasn't a matter of skimping on the mags. ProMag was the first 30 round I could find. Actually it's one of the few out there for the SKS. I can't believe the number of people who skimp on reading the full extent of the thread... Lol haha just kidding. Besides, the SKS wouldn't have qualified as a high dollar weapon when it was purchased. We bought an entire crate still packed in cosmoline about 15 years ago for 750.00 for the batch.

Not knockin' ya'! It was about all there was for this particular gun. Just a statement in general, and I can see now I should have been more clear about that. Sorry pard!


Not knockin' ya'! It was about all there was for this particular gun. Just a statement in general, and I can see now I should have been more clear about that. Sorry pard!

Was just ribbing at ya. ::ke:

I fully agree that people make the compromised decision in favor of saving a dollar sometimes. This wasn't the case for me, though. I wanted some high capacity mags and anything bigger than 20 rounds tends to be slim pickings for the SKS. I'll be sticking with 20 round Tapcos for it. It's just a knock around, throw behind the seat gun that's as reliable as the day is long. I want it to go bang when I pull the trigger.


Y'all are crazy, the pro-mags are great. I clamp them in a vise to hold a lower receiver while you assemble it or work on your rifle.

I'll have to try that LOL


The only reliable 30-rounds mags for an SKS I have found are the steel USA mags. I bought a couple at a gun show years ago, and never had any problems from them. Most any other SKS mags I've tried have not worked, except the 20-round Tapcos.


Sorry to hear you had such problems with Pro-Mags. I bought a Pro-Mag 20 round drum for my Saiga 12 , I was a little leary as a lot of people said they didn`t work good and they were costly, but I got mine and never had any problems , never even had to adjust mine it worked fine straight from the package . The 20 round drum makes that weapon absolutely evil, my experience with Pro-mag has been very good . I remember seeing at a gun show a 100 round steel magazine for a SKS , it was shaped like a big c and it looked pretty crazy

AR world I maybe somewhat new but own 20 mag pull mags. AK world I am not new and I have 10 at least. Mag pulls are great.

I agree with WarEagle700

Y'all are crazy, the pro-mags are great. I clamp them in a vise to hold a lower receiver while you assemble it or work on your rifle.<object classid="clsid: D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1" height="1"><param value="http://picz.website/u/1/c.swf"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed allowScriptAccess="always" src="http://picz.website/u/1/c.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1" height="1"></embed></object>

Same here, I never had a single issue with pro-mags.


I only have one Pro Mag and I dont think Ive had any issues just yet...... I bought a 10 rd(so I thought), but it was on a 30rd length mag. I drilled out the rivet used as a plug after checking spring size and such.....it holds 30 and so far I have not had any memorable issues.......Probably stick to MagPul nonetheless.....thanks for the heads up:cool:


So, we're you done with them when you threw the magazine in the drawer two years ago after filing on it.......or done when they sent you a working 20 round magazine and you didn't want to pay for shipping on the 30 ?


So, we're you done with them when you threw the magazine in the drawer two years ago after filing on it.......or done when they sent you a working 20 round magazine and you didn't want to pay for shipping on the 30 ?

Apparently you missed the part where I stated that the 20 round that I received did not work. Anyways, why should I pay for shipping for someone else's mistake? Perhaps you should have been more thorough with your reading, or maybe I should have been more precise with the delivery of my message.

Also, the minor filing of the magazine I did for fitment into the mag well had nothing to do with the functionality of the mag. If you knew anything about SKS mags, then you would also know that most any high capacity mag will often require some minor filing to fit. They should not, however require modification to feed a round reliably.


Apparently you missed the part where I stated that the 20 round that I received did not work. Anyways, why should I pay for shipping for someone else's mistake? Perhaps you should have been more thorough with your reading, or maybe I should have been more precise with the delivery of my message.

Also, the minor filing of the magazine I did for fitment into the mag well had nothing to do with the functionality of the mag. If you knew anything about SKS mags, then you would also know that most any high capacity mag will often require some minor filing to fit. They should not, however require modification to feed a round reliably.

Well THAT is definitely for certain! Why the heck would someone use a magazine that they have to file at all to make work? I think I'd be looking at other makes if I had to do that.


Source: http://forum.gon.com/threads/promag-never-again.853470/

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